creation care blog – Reviving Creation

creation care blog

"Suspended in Time" © Christine Labich

Fasting in the age of MAGA

Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of injustice, to undo the thongs of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke?  (Isaiah 58:6) When my friend Bishop Mark Beckwith invited me to join him every Wednesday this Lent in a Sabbath fast from food, finance, and media,1 my first reaction was to flinch. I do not fast casually. I …

Election anxiety and “The Second Coming” 

Meanwhile, politicians, pundits, and opinion-purveyors rush to explain what’s going on and what’s likely to happen next. How did our country reach this degree of internal division and distrust? How much chaos and violence will erupt in the days ahead? To what extent will brutality and cruelty become official policy? How many lies will be spoken and driven like nails into a crucified Earth? Drill, drill, drill. Climate change is …

Season of Creation liturgical resource approved for use in 50 dioceses

On June 20, when the worship guide was officially released, Episcopal News Service reported that 42 dioceses had approved it for use during this year’s Season of Creation (Sept. 1-Oct. 4). Over the summer, eight more dioceses authorized it, too: The Rt. Rev. Jennifer Reddall, Diocese of Arizona The Rt. Rev. Paula E. Clark, Diocese of Chicago The Rt. Rev. Robert Skirving, Diocese of East Carolina The Rt. Rev. John …

Climate grief and resistance: Mourning a livable planet

On July 8, two hundred people gathered on a sultry summer morning at the Manhattan headquarters of Citigroup, the largest funder of fossil fuel expansion to the tune of $396 billion in the last eight years alone. Our memorial service was organized by and one of a series of nonviolent direct actions being carried out this summer to protest Wall Street’s ongoing financing of climate chaos. This was perhaps …

Has the time come for a Feast of Creation?

The seminar had a mouthful of a title: The Feast of Creation and the Mystery of Creation: Ecumenism, Theology, Liturgy, and Signs of the Times in Dialogue. But its focus was clear: Has the time come to add a Feast of Creation to the liturgical calendars of Western Churches? It was a delight to make new friends and a thrill to meet the Rev. Canon Dr. Rachel Mash at long …

Climate crisis and reorienting ourselves to hope

This is a slightly adapted text for a video I created at the request of the Episcopal Church in Colorado as part of its Lenten series, “Journey through Lament: Leaning into the Brokenness of Our Communities and World.” The YouTube video is available here. What shall we say about hope? Hope is forward-facing – it’s the capacity to look toward the future with confidence that something good is ahead – …

Follow the thread

I started playing with these questions after reading The Princess and the Goblin, a fantasy by George MacDonald, whose work influenced Lewis Carroll, G.K. Chesterton, J.R.R. Tolkien, and C.S. Lewis. This classic children’s story is full of mythic, archetypal symbols that would resonate with Carl Jung. There’s a royal castle aboveground, a goblins’ castle underground, a princess, a peasant, a magic fire, a magic ring, and a secret tower where …

Marching in New York: What the wild bird saw

That was my weary mood as I set out on the bus-ride from Northampton to New York City. The bus was filled with fellow activists, and it was a pleasure to sit beside my friend, UCC climate champion Jim Antal. As we sped down the highway, our bus captain reviewed the logistics of the march and taught us the chants we’d use, among them: “Biden, where’s your urgency? This is a …

Twenty-five Episcopal dioceses explore expansive prayers for God’s Creation

*UPDATE (10/19/23) Three additional dioceses have authorized these prayers, for a total of 28 dioceses: The Rt. Rev. Patrick W. Bell Diocese of Eastern Oregon The Rt. Rev. Lucinda Beth Ashby Diocese of El Camino Real The Rt. Rev. Susan Haynes Diocese of Southern Virginia   During Creation Season this year, congregations in at least twenty-five dioceses across The Episcopal Church will be trying out fresh ways of praying with …

Why we need to preach on creation care

Rev. Margaret gave this opening presentation for “Preaching for God’s World,” a webinar on April 20, 2023, hosted by Church of England Environment Programme, which featured an international panel of speakers.  Her presentation is posted on YouTube. Why do we need to preach on creation care? Two reasons: Jesus commands it, and the world needs it. Let’s take these one by one. At the end of Mark’s Gospel, Jesus commands, …

Header image: "Suspended in Time," by Christine Labich