Resources in Spirituality & Ecology
Anglican Communion Environmental Network provides links to networks and organizations that strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and to sustain and renew the Earth
Free resources for worship, prayer, Earth Day, adult education, Sunday School, and more, are available at these Websites:
Liturgical Resources for Honoring God in Creation (The Episcopal Church)
Creation Justice Ministries
Let All Creation Praise
Web of Creation
Supporting a Life of Prayer and Compassionate Action
Center for Action and Contemplation: An educational center grounded in the Christian mystical tradition
Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts
“We are blessed to follow Jesus’ mission of mercy, compassion and hope in this beautiful part of God’s world.”
— The Rt. Rev. Douglas J. Fisher, IX Bishop of Western Massachusetts
Empty Bell: A contemplative sanctuary for the study and practice of Christian meditation and prayer, directed by Dr. Robert A. Jonas, M.T.S., Ed.D.
Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation nurtures contemplative living and leadership.
Society of St. John the Evangelist: A monastic community of men who seek to know and share an authentic experience of God’s love and mercy. Sermons, essays, and videos available online.
Building a Grassroots Climate Movement
350.org: 350 is the most important number in the world. It’s what scientists say is the safe upper limit for carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Sign up to participate in climate-focused campaigns, projects and actions led from the bottom-up by people in 188 countries.
Better Future Project: With nodes across Massachusetts, BFP empowers, connects, and activates leaders in the movement to build a better world free from the burning of fossil fuels. BFA created and supports 350MA.org, a statewide network of volunteer climate leaders.