sermons – Page 13 – Reviving Creation


Photo © Robert A. Jonas

Hands-on faith

Earth Day fell on Good Friday this year, and rather than celebrate Creation Sunday on Easter morning, we decided to honor it today, on the Second Sunday of Easter. Now is our chance to give thanks for God's Creation and to rejoice in the holy radiance that shines in every wild and quirky creature, in every branch and blossom, in…

Sacred mourning

It is often in nature that I perceive the divine and come face to face with the glory of God, so in recent years the destruction of our life-giving and God-given eco-systems has struck me more and more as a crucial dimension of Jesus' crucifixion. The meaning of Good Friday has opened up for me: I see the earth itself…

Claiming kin

I want to tell you right up front that I find this gesture deeply moving. Jesus is suffering unimaginable pain; he is dying; and yet his dying words are completely consonant with the life that he lived: he wants to build relationship. Even as he dies, he reaches out to these two people that he loves so much, his mother…

Down to earth: The way of the cross

The passion narrative starts in a garden, where Judas betrays Jesus, and it ends in a garden, where our Lord is laid to rest: sin in the first garden, and death in the second; betrayal in the one, and burial in the other. John's Gospel clearly wants to remind us of the garden that begins the story of human sin…

We are all in this together

These events are unfolding half a world away, and yet their images sear into us. If we are willing to stay with them and to ponder them a while, they have the power to break our hearts. A man kneels in the snow, grieving in front of the wreckage where his mother was buried alive. An old woman covers her…

The journey of the wise men

As I pondered today's Gospel, I got to thinking: what would happen if the wise men walked out of those crèches and into our lives? What would happen if these figures -- so easy to trivialize as nothing more than decorative props for a mid-winter festival that we pack away when the festival is done -- what if the wise…

I put my trust in you

I want to tell an Advent story that took place five years ago. In the fall of 2005, Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita - strengthened by the unusually warm waters of the Gulf - plowed into Louisiana and Mississippi. Millions of Americans were evacuated. Within a matter of hours, most of an American city lay in ruins. Soon afterwards,…

Sleepers, wake!

Why do I love that line? Because it orients me toward the future with an attitude of expectation and hope. Because it tells me where to focus my attention, so that I keep watch for the in-breaking realm of God. What do we look for? “We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to…

Persistence in prayer

If a selfish, indifferent judge will relent and grant justice in the face of such persistence, how much more, says Jesus, will “God grant justice to his chosen ones who cry to [God] day and night” (Luke 18:7)! God is nothing like that unjust judge -- God is generous, abounding in mercy, and eager to bring justice. So Jesus gives…

When a leaf needs to speak

As I imagined holding this very leaf before you, I asked, “OK, Leaf, what do you have to say to these good people?” And the leaf gave me three messages. The first one: Here is the world in all its beauty. This leaf is unlike every other leaf. If you spent just five minutes examining its stem and v