sermons – Page 14 – Reviving Creation


Photo © Robert A. Jonas

Choosing life

How do you answer a question like that? Perhaps the safest reply is simply to parry the question with one of your own. “Why do you ask?” you might say to your child, or, “Do you need a little loving right now?” I remember that his question left me stammering, groping for words, as if suddenly faced with an existential…

Homily for Julia L. Newton’s Memorial Service, August 30, 2010.

I never met Julie, so I can't speak about her from direct experience. But from what I have read, and from the stories that some of you have told me, I know that she was a woman who loved animals -- dogs and cats, her cat, Isabel, and the strays and unwanted pets that she cared for at the Dakin…

Prayer of consecration

Standing by the sea, I felt what we all feel when we find ourselves on the edge of mystery: I wanted to praise. I wanted to give thanks. To be precise, I wanted to plant my two feet on that ancient rock, raise my hands, and say, “The Lord be with you. Lift up your hearts.” This morning our…

Prayers of the people

What shall we say about the Prayers of the People? Of course, the whole service of Holy Communion is an act of prayer, but the Prayers of the People give us a special opportunity as a gathered community to lay before God -- in silence and aloud -- the very particular longings and thanksgivings that move our hearts. We have…

Rise up and follow

We begin a new section of Luke's Gospel this morning, the so-called “travel narrative,” in which Jesus “sets his face” to go to Jerusalem. What does it mean to “set your face” toward something? It means to face something with unswerving commitment and determination. When you “set your face,” you know clearly where you are headed, exactly w

As you set out into the world

As I prayed about what to say, I knew that I wanted to give you Sixes something, and what kept coming to my mind was not ideas, or even words, but the image of a leaf. I kept imagining myself standing here and holding up a leaf. As it happens, I am finishing a book, a spiritual memoir about becoming…

“Do you want to be made well?”

That is the scene. Here is the story. A man who has been ill for thirty-eight years is lying by the pool on his mat, a thin mattress that the poor used for bedding. The story doesn't say how long he has been there, waiting to get into the water, but it does say that he has been there “a…

Good shepherd, good earth

Today is Good Shepherd Sunday. On the Fourth Sunday of Easter our Gospel reading is always taken from chapter ten of John's Gospel, where Jesus speaks of himself as the Good Shepherd. Today is also Creation Sunday, the Sunday closest to Earth Day, whose fortieth anniversary we celebrated last Thursday. So it is a good morning to reflect on our…

Love at the core

Generally I like action movies, but this Hollywood flick is delivering more than entertainment. It is delivering a basic worldview, one that is familiar to everyone in this room. According to this paradigm, our deepest problems can be solved by force. Whatever is ailing us, or the world, can only be fixed by violence. Domination, intimi

The foolishness of the cross

The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. (1 Corinthians 1:18) Tonight's Gospel passage comes immediately after Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. The mood in the city was tense, excited, on edge. Passover