How in the world does Trinity Sunday, which we celebrate today, connect with climate change? How does understanding God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit help to inform and inspire our struggle to stabilize the climate and to pass on to our children and our children’s children a sustainable, just, and habitable world? That is not an idle question, for…
On this Rogation Sunday, we ask God not only to bless the harvest and the land, the seas and the sky – we ask God to bless us with the Spirit as we take hold of our vocation to be healers of the earth. The melting ice in West Antarctica may be unstoppable, but so is the love that made…
Today’s Gospel story invites us to explore the good news of Christ’s resurrection by taking stock of our doubts and then letting them go. Doubting Thomas stands for all of us who wrestle with doubt – doubt about what Jesus accomplished on the cross and doubt about the reality of the resurrection. Doubt is a perfect theme for Earth Day,…
It is a pleasure to be here this morning and to join you in worship and prayer. As you probably know, I am the diocese’s new Missioner for Creation Care, and I
“Now the birth of Jesus the Messiah took place in this way.” So begins Matthew’s version of the Christmas story, a story that in his telling gives Joseph quite a significant role to play. Maybe it’s because I’m a woman and a mother, but it’s Mary not Joseph whom I usually think about at Christmas,
How good it is to be on retreat with you! In the world outside, the weeks before Christmas are marked by an inextricable blend of the tacky and the touching, the paltry and the poignant. One minute we’re deafened by the jingle-jangle of cash registers springing open, the tap-tap-tap of innumerable fingers on innumerable keyboards pressing the “Send” button, the…
Now I have to stop right here and ask: What happens inside you when you hear the phrase “King of kings and Lord of lords” in today’s Collect? What meaning does it have for you? Are you drawn to the phrase or does it make you wince and pull back? Personally, I have not always found the image of Christ…
We knew Ellen in many different ways, and each of you here brings your own memories. She was your beloved wife or your mother. She was your mother-in-law or grandmother, your aunt or cousin, your colleague or co-worker, your sister in Christ or simply your friend. All sorts of memories fill this room, and a great deal of affection, for…
My thoughts turned not to today’s Collect, but to a Collect that we hear every year at the end of September. It goes like this: “Grant us, Lord, not to be anxious about earthly things, but to love things heavenly; and even now, while we are placed among things that are passing away, to hold fast to those that shall…
Our first reading is paired with a Gospel passage from Luke that tells another story of healing. While keeping their distance from Jesus which is what Jewish law required of people suffering from leprosy ten lepers cry out for mercy. The text tells us that Jesus sees them (Luke 17:14). He sees them: he sees their suffering, sees