Written after September 11, this collection of meditations on Jesus’ seven last “words” discusses the reality of violence, the absence of God, the practice of forgiveness, and the need to reclaim the early Church’s understanding that Jesus died not only for human beings but for all creation. Each meditation is followed by suggestions for prayer.

“For generations, Christians have gathered at the cross of Christ to ponder his last words. We can probe Christ’s words in the same way we sometimes decipher the last words of our loved ones, testing their meaning, wondering what he intended to communicate. But we can also turn the exercise around, for in the end, we come to the cross not to probe Christ’s words but to let them probe us — to let them work on our minds and hearts as we take our next step forward toward union with God.”
–Margaret Bullitt-Jonas in ‘Christ’s Passion, Our Passions’

“For all who seek to live faithfully in response to the love and grace of God in Jesus Christ, and who find that the culture pulls them in opposite directions, these meditations offer immediate and relevant ways for us to discover the breadth of Christ’s healing, saving love for us, for those we love, and for the whole creation.”
– Judith E. Smith, ‘Weavings’

“…it made me want to return to Holy Week and live it more intentionally.”
– Jo Craddock, ‘Covenant’

Christ’s Passion, Our Passions (104 pp/paper, ISBN 1561012114, $9.95) may be ordered directly from the publisher here, or at the toll-free phone number of Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group: (800) 462-6420.

Also available at Barnes & Noble, Amazon.com, or at an independent bookseller near you through indiebound.org.

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