We resolved to make a difference in 2019 – Reviving Creation

articles & talks

Photo © Robert A. Jonas
Photo © Robert A. Jonas

We resolved to make a difference in 2019

I want to thank the congregations across our diocese that are moving forward to implement the resolution that our Diocesan Convention passed unanimously last October, “Creation Care in our Congregations: Living Lightly on God’s Good Earth.”

Our diocese is increasingly recognized as a Creation care leader in The Episcopal Church. Thank you for all the ways that you are stepping up to safeguard the web of life, which needs our urgent protection as never before.

Has your congregation created a Green Team? What has it done so far? Have you carried out an energy audit? As you enact the resolution, do you have any stories, surprises or suggestions you’d like to pass along to the diocese? Please send news about your progress to our magazine editor, the Rev. Vicki Ix (communications (at) diocesewma.org) – we would love to share some of it in the next issue of Abundant Times.

If your congregation has not yet enacted the resolution, now is the perfect time to get started. The resolution reminds us that we are all called to be faithful stewards of our fragile planet by taking three steps before our 118th Diocesan Convention:

1) Create a Green Team, beginning by naming one or more individuals to serve as liaison with our diocese’s Missioner for Creation Care in order to help the parish strengthen energy conservation and efficiency and encourage public advocacy around environmental issues.
2) Undertake an energy audit for all parish buildings in order to reduce the parish’s carbon footprint, keeping in mind that grants are available from the Diocese to offset half the cost of the audit. Wondering how to get an energy audit? Contact Massachusetts Interfaith Power & Light.

3) Report back to the sponsors of this resolution before the 118th Diocesan Convention on steps taken and progress made on Steps #1 and #2. Congregations should report progress and accomplishments to the following members of the General Convention Deputation:

In the Berkshire Corridor: John Cheek (cheekbass (at) gmail.com)

In the Valley Corridor: Maggie Sweeney (magsween10 (at) yahoo.com)

In the Worcester Corridor: Mac Murray (mac.murray (at) gmail.com)

Thank you, John, Maggie, and Fr. Mac, for receiving this information and for your leadership.

I look forward to connecting with a Creation care liaison (or green team) in every congregation, and to hearing about your accomplishments as you implement energy audits.

Thank you for everything you are doing – as individuals and as communities of faith – to heal God’s Creation, to cut back on fossil fuels, and to increase energy efficiency and conservation.

Every prayerful action counts. Every degree counts.

This article appeared in the WinterSpring 2019 edition of Abundant Times, a publication of the Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts. A pdf version, which includes photos and stories of green teams at work in the diocese, can be downloaded here: We resolved to make a difference in 2019



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