What are the connections between the novel coronavirus and the climate crisis? Margaret is the first speaker on a panel sponsored by UCC Council for Climate Justice, convened on April 1, 2020, by the Rev. Brooks Berndt, PhD (Minister for Environmental Justice, UCC). Other panelists include the Rev. Dr. Leah Schade (Assistant Professor of Preaching and Worship, Lexington Theological Seminary), the Rev. Dr. Jim Antal (Special Advisor on Climate Justice to UCC General Minister and President), and Penny Hooper (Leadership Council Chair, North Carolina Interfaith Power & Light)
2 Responses to “”
Rev. Dr. Jean Wright
Thank you each for pointing us to hope in this time of crisis. Particularly the evidence we have of humanity making fast and radical change as well as showing the parallels between COVID-19 and Climate Change. One of the things I’m aware of are the cracks in our national and systemic resiliency in such a time of crisis – that is education, health, inequities in access to internet, etc. What is needed beyond GND aspirations?
Rev. Dr. Jean Wright
Thank you!