sermons – Page 18 – Reviving Creation


Photo © Robert A. Jonas

Kindness in the Night

We hear this story every year on Monday of Holy Week, and I'd like to wonder with you about this gesture of Mary's. What might it mean? Because John's Gospel reads rather like a poem, every word and image has multiple meanings, not just one, so we can ponder a number of possibilities. One mean

Ride on in Majesty

What do you imagine that Jesus was feeling? Was he caught up in the excitement and commotion? Was he smiling? I can imagine him drinking in these moments of praise and support, and his quiet joy when he looked into the crowds and spotted some of the people he had healed - maybe the man who had been born blind,…

On the Mountain

"One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see. " -John 9:25 We've just heard one of the seven miracle stories recorded in John's Gospel. Jesus turns water into wine, he stills

On the Mountain

Yet when we walked into church this morning, we stepped into a different space. Here on our last, climactic Sunday of the Epiphany season, God summons us away from the clamor and commotion of our fast-paced and sometimes driven lives, and sends us up the mountain to pray, as Moses did, as Elijah did, and as Jesus did, as well.…

In the River with Jesus

There is so much I want God to wash away - so much that my hands, and all human hands, have dirtied and spoiled, so many words I've spoken, that we've all spoken, that have been sour in our mouths as we said them; so many thoughts I've had, that we've all had, that have smudged and tarnished the people…

Who was Joseph?

“Now the birth of Jesus the Messiah took place in this way." So begins Matthew's version of the Christmas story, a story that in his telling gives Joseph quite a significant role to play. Maybe it's because I'm a woman and a mother, but it's Mary - not Joseph - that I tend to think about at Christmas, Mary who…

Now is the Time To Wake from Sleep

"Advent" means "coming" or "arrival," and during these four weeks that lead up to Christmas we prepare for the first coming of Christ, when God became incarnate in Jesus' birth in Bethlehem. Advent has the makings of a joyful season. We look forward to Christmas, to holiday parties and festive decorations. We anticipate th

Heading for Healing

For those of us who like a good story, today’s a good day, because today we have a pair of fine stories to consider – the story of Elisha healing Naaman the leper, which is found in the Second Book of Kings, and the story (from the Gospel of Luke) of Jesus healing ten lepers and receiving a word of…

Healing the Planet: Blessed Unrest

That’s how he puts it, right off the bat.  “I have come to start a fire, and how I wish it were kindled!”  Jesus comes with fire – that traditional biblical image of judgment and purification. “I have come to change everything,” Jesus says.  “I have come” – and now I’m quoting a contemporary rend

Blessed Unrest

That's how he puts it, right off the bat.  "I have come to start a fire, and how I wish it were kindled, how I wish it were blazing right now!"  Jesus comes with fire - that traditional biblical image of judgment and purification.  "I have come to change everything," Jesus says to us this morning