How can faith communities address the climate crisis? – Reviving Creation

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Photo © Robert A. Jonas
Photo © Robert A. Jonas

How can faith communities address the climate crisis?

Faith communities have vital roles to play in tackling the climate crisis.  Download a pdf of Margaret’s new article by clicking: How can faith communities address the climate crisis?

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2 Responses to “How can faith communities address the climate crisis?”

  1. Karen Casey

    Hello Margaret
    I am now able to move out of life’s interruptions and feel called to work once again with churches. Wondering
    How can addressing climate change openly and personally change churches?
    As before during the planning for the HOPE Conference here in Seattle, I resource your good thinking. Thank you for making it available Blessings on all your good work karen

    • mbj

      Thanks for your message, Karen. I enjoyed that HOPE conference in Seattle, and I’m glad you are still fighting the good fight (to cite the title of the sermon I preached yesterday). You’re asking a good question. I think that the emerging climate crisis will challenge churches to become bolder and clearer about their mission to bear witness to the undying love of God. And in the process, churches will have to change — to give one example, we’ll need to move from an individualistic and human-centered to a collective and eco-centered understanding of salvation.

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